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The Stars

You want to get closer to the fire? Really? Interesting...

The flames crackle and burn, far too hot to reach out and touch.

At the same time cold as ice.

They whisper to you.

They fortell of a future soul.

No... they promise.

Oath of attentiveness

She has always been observant. Though judgemental, she has never been one to jump to decisions and prefers to watch the situation unfold, thinking and going over things with herself before taking action. Because of this, she can initially appear passive (and generally doesn't bother with smaller things) but make no mistake, she is not one to sit on the sidelines if there is something that should be dealt with, but greatly looks down upon cats who jump in without thinking things over. Even if what's happening isn't something where she needs to step in, she might sometimes indulge and sit back and listen.

Overall, she likes people-watching, observing cats going about their lives, figuring out their inner workings and thought patterns has always fascinated her. When she is not busy with anything else, she can often be found resting at the edge of the camp (if you can see her), green eyes glowing from the shadows. This has also made her a very good listener, always searching through what others are saying to find something of value.

Oath of loyalty

Loyalty has been within her like second nature. She has always been slow to trust and very selective about her closer relationships, choosing cats who she can depend on sticking around and who has in her eyes proven their worth.

Burning is also extremely distrustful. Many cats seem uninterested in making sure Shadowclan stays soaring above the rest, and even more have turned their backs on Shadowclan never to be seen again, so while her trust is hard to earn, it is almost harder to keep. All of this also causes her to look down upon cats who do not stay loyal to their birth-clan, usually regardless of the reason for their departure, and doesn't take kindly to it. Of course, There is a small exception when it comes to cats joining Shadowclan since she to a certain degree understands wanting to.

Oath of eloquence

She has always been rather slow to speak, usually because she values her own opinion and does not throw it around needlessly, but also prefers not to waste her breath. She will use few words to get across her point, only taking to longer sentences when speaking up about something or around her family. When she does speak, however, she has trained her voice to be smooth and words to be spoken with eloquence.

Burning is almost always well-mannered -if sharp-tongued, opinionated if you ask her, and occasionally detached- and does not tolerate disrespect towards her family or the few cats she will come to let in. Self-control is also vital in her opinion, disliking cats who seemed to lose their temper too easily, needlessly badmouth or insult others, or generally do not seem to think over the words the spew out.

Oath of preservation

Burning is well aware of the legacy she comes from, being the daughter of a leader and granddaughter of another, as well as related to many enforcers and medicine cats, and has come to internalize the importance of this. She doesn't see the point of using her bloodline as something to boast about and detests the idea of having it as an excuse not to push herself. Quite on the contrary, in fact, after hearing many stories of her kin, she places great importance on owning up to her familyname and not becoming the disappointment that some others have. This has given her an ambitious streak.

It also means she cares quite a bit about her image. She is very aware of her facial expressions and body-language. It has made her quite good at persuasion and manipulation since she has learned how to pretend and act to come across in a certain way, and likes being in control of how she is preserved. She cares less about being pretty and more about appearing strong and healthy, taking time every morning to groom her long fur

She can also be rather proud, this sometimes being a more negative streak of hers, but it also makes her stubbornly unwilling to stray from the rules that she has set for herself. The warrior code however is something she sticks to more so out of a sense of necessity, but will spend a great amount of time pondering how the rules can be bent or what loopholes there might be to exploit.

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